1006.0 - Australian Bureau of Statistics - Forward Work Program, 2019-20  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 18/10/2019   
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Appendix 1: ABS statistical work program by component

Elements of the ABS statistical work program are classified into four components. These are used to assist with prioritisation. This work was informed by the earlier development of the list of Essential Statistical Assets for Australia (cat. no. 1395.0), in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders.

Refer to tables below for the ABS work program classified into four components. A number of these programs and outputs are making significant use of data integration to reduce provider burden or enhance the information available.


Enabling capabilities and assetsEssential capabilities required to deliver a quality national statistical service. These capabilities are reviewed and prioritised on an ongoing basis.
Tier 1Statistics that are considered to be the foundation work of a national statistical organisation.
Tier 2Important areas of statistics where there is a significant government outlay or where there is a significant public policy interest.
Tier 3Other important statistical work that is currently undertaken to meet identified user requirements that could be deemed as falling beyond Tiers 1 and 2.

Enabling capabilities and assets


Registers and frameworksAddress Register
Business Register and Tax Data Program
Data Governance and Assurance
Data Standards and Methods
Geospatial Standards and Methods
Statistical Spatial Framework

MethodologyStatistical Methods
Statistical Quality Assurance
Statistical Risk Management

TransformationData Integration Infrastructure
Data Integration Research, Feasibility and Development projects
Statistical Business Transformation Program

Partnerships and disseminationPartnership projects
Statistical Services to the state and territory governments
Customised Data Delivery
Dissemination and Publishing
Microdata Delivery and Access Support (including DataLab)
Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment
Multi-Agency Data Integration Project

Data collectionData Acquisition
Provider Management
Survey Management

Tier 1


National accountsQuarterly and Annual statistics of Gross Domestic Product and components

SupplyInput Output tables

International accountsAustralia’s Balance of Payments Estimates
International Investment
International Merchandise Trade
International Trade in Services

Business indicatorsPrivate New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure
Quarterly Business Indicators
Retail Trade
Consumer Sales
Dwelling and Other Building Approvals
Construction related gross fixed capital formation – Building Activity and Engineering Construction

Industry statisticsEconomic Activity

Financial statisticsQuarterly Australian Prudential Regulation Authority and the Managed Funds
Financial Information

Public financeGovernment Finance Statistics

Labour statisticsLabour Force
Average Weekly Earnings
Major Labour Costs (irregular)
Employee Earnings and Hours (biennial)
Employment and Earnings

Census of population and housingCensus of Population and Housing

PricesConsumer Price Index
Wage Price Index
Producer Price Index
International Trade Price Index
Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Costs Index

DemographyEstimated Resident Population
Births and Deaths
Indigenous Mortality
Overseas Arrivals and Departures

Living conditionsHousehold Expenditure
Income and Housing

International relationsCollaborating with International statistical agencies and organisations such e.g. United Nations Statistical Commission and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Tier 2


National accountsAnnual productivity (including annual estimates of multi-factor productivity)
Annual State Accounts
Annual Supply and Use Tables
Annual Input and Output Tables

Business indicatorsMineral and Petroleum Exploration

Industry statisticsBusiness Characteristics
Business Demographics
Agricultural Census
Rural Environment and Agricultural Commodities Survey
Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced

Financial statisticsLending Indicators

Environment statisticsEnvironment Accounts, including Water and Energy
Environmental Indicators
Water Supply and Sewerage Supply/Use

Labour statisticsBarriers and Incentives to Labour Force Participation
Characteristics of Employment
Jobs in Australia
Retirement and Retirement Intentions
Work Related Injuries
Participation, Job Search and Mobility
Labour Force Status, and Other Characteristics of Families
Job Vacancies
Labour Account

Census of population and housingAustralian Census Longitudinal Dataset
Australian Census and Temporary Migrants Integrated Dataset

PricesResidential Property Prices Index

Transport and tourism statisticsMotor Vehicle Census

DemographyPopulation Projections
Regional Population Growth

Education and trainingNational Schools Statistics Collection
Education and Work
Work Related Training and Adult Learning

Health and disability statisticsCauses of Death
National Health
National Aboriginal and Torres Islander Health
Disability, Ageing and Carers

Migrant statisticsCharacteristics of Migrants
Personal Income Tax and Migrants Integrated Dataset
Data by Region (national regional profiles)

Living conditionsTime Use

Tier 3


International accountsCharacteristics of Australian Exporters
Foreign Currency Exposure
Australian Owned Foreign Businesses

Industry statisticsResearch and Experimental Development – Business, Government, Private Non-Profit and Higher education
Venture Capital and Later Stage Private Equity
Wool Receivals, Purchases and Sales
Livestock, Poultry and Game Slaughtering

Financial statisticsAssets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers

Labour statisticsIndustrial Disputes
Estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas

Transport and tourism statisticsTourism Satellite Account
Survey of Motor Vehicle Use

Crime and justice statisticsNational Recorded Crime Victims & Offender
National Criminal Courts
National Corrective Services
Crime Victimisation

Culture and recreation statisticsCultural Participation and Attendance

DemographyMarriages and Divorces

Education and trainingChildhood Education and Care
Educational Outcomes
National Early Childhood Education and Care
Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies

Health and disability statisticsPatient Experience
Mental Health and Well-being

Social conditionsLongitudinal Survey of Australian Children
Family and Community Experiences
General Social

International relationsIndonesia Government Partnership Project
Statistical development work in the Pacific, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste